Rock Creek Home Care
A service designed to be proactive - not reactive when it comes to maintaining a home. North Carolina is subject to drastic seasons and because of this, we find that homes in our area (Northwest North Carolina) require constant maintenance. We have a good idea of what needs to be done because our sister business is Rock Creek Construction.
This is our current area of service
Many large, expensive home repairs (interior and exterior) could have been prevented if a professional was checking the house throughout the year for: signs of water damage, clogged gutters, insects, etc.
How it Works
A technician will visit every other month to make sure the essential items are inspected, maintained and up to date.
In the event of a larger repair or renovation, by being a member, you will receive special rates from our network of trusted residential contractors and technicians.
We offer one plan, with the option to add additional services. Pricing is based off of your home square footage.
Membership fees are automatically billed every month.